6 Marketing Tips Small Businesses Can Learn From Big Companies

marketing tips

I often see smaller businesses and especially start-ups being overwhelmed by just the thought of having to come up with a marketing strategy.

Lack of money is their first concern, lack of people or time normally their second. And although I agree a good marketing strategy will take some investment in both money and time, it often is nothing like what many business owners worry about. Plus, there are so many creative marketing options these days that don’t have to cost anything!

This article offers some useful tips and tricks on how to improve your marketing efforts without spending a fortune and while optimizing the use of your valuable time.

6 Marketing Moves Small Businesses Can Borrow From Big Companies

Established businesses have one obvious advantage over their younger counterparts: Deep pockets.

Fortunately, what today’s small business lacks in budget can be made up for with strategy and a few carefully chosen tools. Here are six smart marketing ideas gleaned from my experience running a company that teaches small firms how to compete with big ones.

1. Keep an editorial calendar for your company blog

Most small businesses can’t afford to bring an entire editorial staff on board, but they can still reap the benefits of a regularly updated company blog by using a good editorial calendar tool. WordPress’ plugin directory offers several free solutions. Editorial calendar software aids collaboration between editors and writers and allows site managers to schedule and automate weeks or months’ worth of posts.

2. Automate social media management

Building a presence on major social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook can be an effective and low-cost way for startups to get a lot of exposure relatively quickly.

Read the full article with all 6 marketing tips here >>


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