Google AdWords: 10 Things Nobody Tells You

Google AdWords, the popular pay-per-click advertising service offered by Google can be very useful for your (online) business.

Unfortunately many businesses give up on Google AdWords shortly after starting their campaign. Setting up an AdWords campaign properly and making it profitable can be a challenge. With increasing competition and more and more options it has only become more complicated. Some help on how to make the most of your Google Adwords campaign can therefore be crucial.

This article helps to give you a better understanding of Google Adwords, its opportunities and its limitations:

10 Things Nobody Tells You About Google AdWords


While there are hundreds of Google how-to guides online, written both by savvy bloggers and Google itself, the advertising giant has a few skeletons in its closet that are rarely talked about. After all, Google AdWords is the ever popular advertising platform – or is it?


1. Google AdWords is no longer working as it did…

Read the full article about Google AdWords here >>


Interested in setting up a successful pay-per-click campaign? Check out this article:

10 Pay-Per-Click Ad Copy Tips